The Rambutan Tree

:: My nephew bathing under the rambutan tree::

It is unorthodox really.

To plant a rambutan tree right at the corner of the  garden of my house.

Add it to the various other tropical, local fruit trees around the garden of my childhood home. Which is smack in the middle of a housing area, whereas usually here we plant the trees in an orchard, somewhere in the middle of nowhere where it can grow like Nature intended it should.

2 banana trees. 4 mango trees. And the rambutan tree. All growing around the one-storey house. To think about it, it seemed like a lot more back then when i was younger. To think about it now it seemed like a mad idea back then.

But then, a lot of great minds were not appreciated in their time. My father was one of the greatest for me.

The architect and engineer of our own private Eden.

Abah, as i fondly called him, was not one of the talkative ones. He was more of the tough love kind of man. Someone back then who had met him back then would had said he looked fierce. I thought to myself he looked darn dangerous.

When he narrowed his eyes and made his stony face, i wished i was not the one who kicked the hornet’s nest. But when he laughed, you could not help but laugh and smile too, because he had those unique laugh which is really sounds “hihihihihi!”. He loved Elton John so much that i can remember him singing clearly to the words of  ‘Sacrifice’.  Although “cold, cold heart” sounded to me like “coco heart” and i wondered about it for years.

He passed away when i was 10 years old.

The trees around the house kept growing as the three of us siblings gets older. Sometimes it sheds browns leaves as we left for school, left for University, left for work somewhere else. Sometimes when we come back to the house, the banana tree and the rambutan’s fruits ripen accordingly. 3 of the mango trees were cut down as my Ma could not take care of such many trees shedding leaves and fruits without us helping her around to clear the garden.

The grass garden was replaced by cement paving for parking spots for our cars. But the rambutan tree stood steadfast throughout the changes of the house and the garden.  Like a paternal figure , like my late father, looming over us as we go through each holidays; sitting on the swing, chatting by my mother’s flower shrub or just plain watching the day begins or ends. It soothingly brings comfort to me.

Lately for the past few years, my family always held “open house” on Eidilfitri and we always use the rambutan tree as the main background of our family pictures; unconsciously maybe as a symbol of the person who once stood there.

I decided to hang paper lanterns to the tree during our ‘open house’ recently. As i gazed mesmerized at the genius’s of ALLAH’s power of this huge tree, i wondered whether my Abah thought of us  as he planted this tree. So that we can be protected and be happy under the wonderful tree, whether he is there or not.

After the open house, my sister-in-law bathed my nephew in a small tub under the tree, under all the colourful paper lanterns. My Ma, brother, sister and sister-in-law watched with all our loves in our heart, my cheeky nephew frolicking naked in the tub while being sprayed by the garden hose.

Then i realised the tree meant much more. Abah meant it so much more than just for us.

He wanted us to remember that his presence is as everlasting as the generations of Ahmad Zaki’s clan to come.

My father, the visionary.

May Allah bless his soul. Al-Fatihah.

Tetam talks

Khalil : can’t choose your Mak Ngah


Mak Ngah suka buat muka bila ‘mbik  gambag. taktau pasaipa.

I guess she’s okay.

Tapi besh bila dia mula nyanyi lagu-lagu kat cheq. Banyak sungguh lagu dia tau.

Sebab besh Mak Ngah suka boh nama cheq dalam lagu tu…macamni lagu dia ” There is a little boy, whose name is Khalil Amshar…Kha-lil-Am-Sha-ri, Kha-lil-Am-Sha-ri,Kha-lil-Am-Sha-ri, Khalil was his name-0..”

‘Dian cheq goyang badan cheq kiri kanak kiri kanan sebab besh sangat. Hehehe.

Ibu dengan Tok cheq  jumpa hari-hari. Mak Ndak pon kerap jugak tapi dia kadang-kadang mai tidoq sat, kemudian baru mai mein dengan cheq. Rambut Mak Ndak cheq suka tarik dan tampaq muka dia.

Mak Ngah dia jarang-jarang mai, tapi bila dia mai riuh satu rumah dari pintu depan dah tau dia mai.

‘Dian dia suka ambik buku dan baca kat cheq. Cheq dok ataih dia then kunyah hujung buku ja. Kalau ada gambag besh-besh cheq suka cium dan tampar banyak kali. Sukanya!

dia nampak dak cheq buat-buat dengag padahai dok seluk beg dia…

Hobi cheq la adalah seluk. Kalau nampak Mak Ngah pegang gelas saja..teruih merangkak pi kat dia buat-buat nak minum. Then cheq letak mulut kat gelas, then buat bunyi ” Aaaaaaa…….aaaaaaa” untuk mengalih perhatian. Bila Mak Ngah ketawa ja, teruih cheq seluk sebelah tangan dalam ayaq minum.

Bapak dan Ibu gelak ja kat tepi sebab tau dah taktik cheq. Hehehe.

Bekaih DVD Bapak fevret jugak. Dan beg Mak Ngah: banyak btui benda.

laptop Mak Ngah adalah taman permainanku

Slalu dok tengok Ibu, Bapak, Mak Ngah, Mak Ndak dok tekan-tekan benda hitam ni. Geram jugak.

Satu hari, Mak Ngah dok tekan-tekan depan cheq, cheq geram jugak terus pi tepuk-tepuk benda ni..seronok btui. Patutla depa semua dok tekan-tekan. Macam terer kan cheq. Hehehe.

Mak Ngah cakap kat Ibu ; ” Khalil punya terer mein laptop sampai dia boleh tukaq font FB jadi lein terus ..”


Guess what?

Gigi cheq dah tumbuh!

Cheq dah besaq dah.

Nanti dah boleh jalan nak suruh Mak Ngah bawak keluag tengok meowington kat bawah yang suka teguq cheq.

Jangan bagitau Ibu..shhh.

Word-less (than the usual)

:: wordless::

Something old and something new. Adakah yang akan notice sesuatu yang lain…

Pusing supermarket untuk mencari inspirasi. Hanya satu saja :-

:: Look at me , i’m sparkling..::

The most interesting display dalam Pacific Hypermarket, Alor Star.

1. Saya peminat Adidas dari masa Mel. C jadi Sporty Spice dalam Spice Girl lagi.

2. Katie Perry. Katie Perry? Tak nampak ada kaitan tapi nampak sangat fun window display rasa nak masuk dalam dan terus beli kasut itu.

Okay, so iklan Canon Yuna yang buatkan saya kembali ke hobi lama yang sudah berhabuk di atas kabinet.

Semester baru. Harap dgn ‘perkara’ baru itu lebih rasa bersemangat.

Oh sudah June! 


Gurindam Jelapang Padi

Hanya di ALor Star. Must eat selepas Laksa Kuala Kedah dan Nasi Ysmeen Pokok Ceri


Lega rasa hati… bila tengok banyak kereta di jalanan yang plate nombor mula dengan K. Kali terakhir itu berlaku tatkala berada di Brunei. ( Brunei menggunakan plate bermula dengan K juga..)

Serabut rasa kepala ..bila orang di sini bila janji pukul 7 malam maksudnya pukul 10 malam.

Lega rasa hati ..bila bukak mulut dan cakap, sama ‘bahasanya’. Tak perlu ” oh ye ke..?”

Serabut rasa kepala… bila kena ayat “oo orang Utare..masih lekat lagi loghat sane walaupun dah lame merantau ek..” nada perli . I will always speak like this. Deal with it. Pak Ji saya selalu perli “ mai mana ni?”.  Spoken like a true blooded Kedahan.

Lega rasa hati ..bila tengok harga makanan kat sini masih murah dan kekal (lebih kurang) sama 5 tahun dulu. Nasi Ayam sedap depan SK Sultanah Asma masih kekal rm 4.00 satu set!

Serabut rasa kepala..bila sesat depan flyover baru depan Kolej Sultan Abdul Hamid yang baru bukak 1 minggu lepas. Ingat boleh pusing kot bawah, rupanya kena naik kot atas nak tembus ke pekan!

Lega rasa hati...bila tengok boleh lepak kat rumah sepanjang hari dan buat marathon VCD/DVD lama.

Serabut rasa kepala..dan badan sebab lately Kedah ni panas btui siang dan malamnya.

Lega rasa hati ..bila di sini dah dekat dengan Langkawi, Penang, dan yang paling penting..Padang Besar!

Serabut rasa kepala ..bila tengok jalan-jalan penuh dengan construction dan semakin kecik.

Lega rasa di hati..sebab, home sweet home. That’s all it matters.

The Metaphore of North South Expressway

(dipetik dari website Probitas Et Fides)

Its one of those days when i felt really ugly.

I look in the mirror before i go out and wondered “what the hell am i wearing?”.

People around seems to be going somewhere and doing something or achieving something.

Luckily, the wage just came in and i splurged on a few clothes.

Its a wonder what shopping does to your mood. Amazing.

And to top it, i have to be the solo-driver back to Kedah.

I always get this nervous jitter when faced with something i need to take charge in.

” Oh Ya Rabb. 6 hours..will i be able to do this? What if my car broke down in the middle of nowhere? What if i get sleepy? What if I feel that i can’t drive anymore?What if..?”

Luckily, my Ma is beside me to give me the moral support.

Alhamdulillah, i arrived at my hometown 6 hours after i started driving from Kota Damansara. Elated and feels therapeutic.

What have i learnt from this experience?

#1 – The Power of Do’a – silly to say that i learnt the doa for travellling from my students as they have to stand in line and recite it before finishing the day. We may plan and plan but if He is Most Powerful upon our fate. (yes , i do say the prayer in a sing-song-ey melody like they do).

#2 – Expect the Worst – though my next routine car check-up is in August, i still asked for the petrol station attendant to check whatever is necessary for a long trip.  Along the drive i saw many cars sided on the emergency lane and Thank Allah i was not one of them.

#3 – To Achieve a High Goal, set a few small goals and when upon reaching it, reward yourself – 6 hours driving is daunting. ” So okay i aim to reach Tapah first then stop for a drink. ” ” Great, let’s aim for Sungai  Perak and stop for gas” ” Phew, lunch at Gunung Semanggol-lah alang-alang” ” Now, let’s drive all the way home..and eat at Marrybrown Giant!”

#4 – Set your standards, and try your best to achieve it – Unconciously, ( now that i realise it) when i drive long distance i try not to be directly behind a car; meaning i feel the need to overtake every car in front of me until there is a great gap between cars. Only in that gap that i pull back and stay in the middle lane..until i came up to a car in front of me. And the “game” begins again. Then out of the blue., it’s my next pitstop 500m away.

#5 – Obstacles sometimes is a time to sit back and relax, and panic will just confuse you-  I came upon a traffic after a long non stop drive, then i decided just relax and daydream to the music. Then turns out it was a police roadblock and i panicked and searched for my driving license and couldn’t find the recent one. Afterwards at the next pitstop, turns out the ‘old’ one was the recent one because i wrongly looked at the renewal date.

#6-  Be thankful for what happen to you, and what did’nt, because ALLAH knows better – I came upon another traffic and kept mumbling and complaining..then to realised that it is because of an accident. I thanked ALLAH that i was not involved in it because i am sure the lorry just overtook me minutes ago.

#7- The importance of cheerleaders in the race of life – My mom is such a great co-driver. She tries to be awake most of the time because she knows her sleeping will get me ‘infected’, and she is such a joker that kept me awake laughing my head off. I love you Mama!

#8- Life is like a movie. Choose the right soundtrack to get in the mood – My car is still CD based (as opposed to USB-readied nowadays)  but i have no recent songs. So i go through all the radio stations along the way, through all the states searching for the songs that i can sing to. ( My sister and me always duet a do-able songwhile driving, like The Boy is Mine).

Like a saying in Malay , ” Gold rain showers in other people’s place, (but) stone  rains in in own’s place, but it it always better in owns place..”

Hoping to have a great rest in Kedah. Amin.

Tu Tice Wit Lev

Hari Guru 2012.

Perayaan yang tergesa-gesa akibat sampai surat perlu juga meraikannya pada 16 Mei walaupun sebenarnya merancang pada tarikh yang lebih lewat.

Dalam kekalutan menanda kertas ujian peperiksaan pertengahan tahun, berjaya juga berlangsung yang majlis  low profile.

Low-profile maksud bagi saya memang tiada gambar langsung diambil.

Tapi tetap bersejarah sungguh.

Ingin saya kongsikan beberapa kad ucapan hari guru DIY dari murid saya. CHOM-ELL.

:: i heart you too::

:: i heart you too::

Ceritanya : Saya merupakan guru kelas kepada kelas yang sebelah koperasi sekolah. So kebanyakan budak-budak ada akses yang dekat dan cepat kepada ‘barang mentah’. Satu perkara yang baik dan buruk pada waktu yang sama.

Si comel di atas merupakan one of those really good behaviour students. The ones that when everyone talks and jumps and run in the classroom, and you turn around to shout “Eiiiiiiiiiii!!” and you would see her at her own place being really silent and doing her own stuff.

Dia adalah antara 2 budak dalam 41 murid yang secara amnya memang penyengap.

Rupanya dalamannya merupakan artistik. Dia mengingatkan saya kepada diri saya yang semasa kecik dulu. Suka buat kad-kad cenggini.

I loike.


Originality : Check. Minimalistik : Check. Ejaan : Boleh dibaiki lagi. Kecomelan : 101% (kat tice tu)

Kad dibuat dari kertas putih A4. Dilipat supaya kad dapat dibuka macam 2 pintu. Mungkin secara tak sengaja kad telah tergam di bahagian dalam dan tak dapat dibuka.

Maka pengirim : Misteri.

(I hope that snake does not indicate anything about my character. Kids are direct and not double-meaning like adults…i hope.)

Secara jujurnya, zaman sekarang kanak-kanak mana ada pantun empat kerat macam kita tulis zaman surat (lambat macam) siput kita.

Lewat pagi 15 Mei itu saya bagi budak-budak ni kertas untuk buat kad, dan cadangan menghias , termasuklah saya ujarkan guna pantun seperti ” pecah kaca pecah gelas (and so on..”. Ingatkan tak ada yang dengar.

For the record, saya tak pernah pakai bunga di tudung  ke sekolah kecuali brooch yg mikro ja di kepala. Dan tak pernah pakai short sleeve, k. Sekadar illustrasi.

Tapi rasa sangat comel yang apabila budak ni lukis saya, dia juga lukis dirinya merupai saya.

Ini seorang gadis cilik yang cuba ‘menambah’ saya di Mukabuku atas pencarian di Mukabukunya sendiri.

Dan apabila saya mengajat tajuk Hobbies, saya bertanya ” Do you know what do i collect?”. Dia jawab ” Selendang!!”.

Hampir tepat. (Jawapan dalam minda ialah kasut crocs).

Yang paling emas adalah lirik lagu di atas yang saya rasa lagu sukatan matapelajaran muzik.

Terasa dejavu macam lirik perkataan yang saya selalu cakap kalau taktau lirik : “ladidi ladida..”

Kepada kamu, anak muridku, cikgu takkan add kamu di FB sampai kamu cukup umur.

Tetapi terima kasih diatas kesemua ucapan dan nukilan dan hadiah jujur kamu.

You are the reason i become a teacher.

Selamat Hari Guru buat semua guru.

#30 – Akhiran Dengan Not Yang Tinggi

“Your high and lows of this month”


Bulan yang sungguh eventful. So fitting to end this challenge on a high note.

poster boy

Kali kedua sejak masuk tahun ke-6 mengajar, menjadi guru kelas, Murid 41 orang.

Yikes pada awalnya. Tapi seperti sebelum-sebelum ini, saya membuat keputusan untuk hanya fake it till i make it.

Tahun-tahun lepas saya telah mulakan sebenarnya my birthday party series. Pre-series katakan; yang boleh dibaca di sini perancangannya.

Manakala tahun ini setelah saya hias semula kelas dalam projek makeover, dan juga memandangkan saya hitting the 3 series tahun ini, saya decide untuk buat Projek ‘Birthday Series’. Berdoalah supaya Part II dan Part III akan dapat dilangsungkan.

Jumaat lepas, bermula Part I : Fun Fairytale untuk kelas tahun 2A.

havin fun..

sengetlah misai abang

::hebak kening mung::

Secara jujurnya, bajet saya ciput. Nak curi masa hendak penyediaan pun sangat tiada. Minggu juga yang disisi dengan tragedi, one of my many lows this month, sebabkan saya meragui kebolehan saya nak pull this event off.

Janji tetap janji. Saya kentalkan semangat yang goyah dan susun stategi bajet.

Mahkota comel saya templatkan dari crown majlis saya yang sedia ada ke atas kertas manila sehari sebelum itu, untuk mereka warnakan dan lekatkan sendiri stick on metallic yang beli di Daiso ( 3 peket 3 jenis RM 5 sangat berbaloi). Saya pastikan mereka ada bahagian dalam persediaan majlis mereka juga.

Props juga sangatlah bajet. Idea terakhir malam itu dibuat semasa ink printer tinggal hitam dan hampir kering. Kayu satay sangatlah menyelamatkan untuk props yang DIY cepat. Percubaan pertama yang not bad.

::kek bajet tapi tetap gembira::

Makanan pun bajet. Kek saya tidaklah sempurna dengan semua icing dan warna-warni, tapi saya terharu mereka tetap seronok bagaikan kek istimewa dari secret recipe (yang naik harga RM 80 sebiji u alls). Kek dari bahagian kek dan pastri Tesco dan donut-donut yang 6 biji RM 6. Sangatlah sesuai untuk parti bajet yang murid-muridnya juga potluck.

..all 41 princes and princesses. hungry and ready to eat....baca doa makan dulu yer

(*note: lapik meja dengan suratkabar, sediakan plastik hitam dan platic bags untuk leftovers. Lepas habis makan, suruh budak angkat dan buang saja suratkhabar itu. x payah lap)

love somewhat the newspaper nampak macam a part of deco

Princes and Princesses of 2A; Class of 2012 --> Ho ye!

Tapi walaupun bajet, at the end of the day masa nak kemas kelas dan balik, yang sejuk hati bila murid kata ” Cikgu, seronoklah harini, best!”.

Macam iklan Mastercard.

Expression and enjoyment on student’s face: Priceless

For everything else: tunggu tunggakan. Hehe. Just kidding.

The End for my 30daybloggingchallenge. See you in the new sejakduamenjak 😉

#28 – 10 Things I Miss About….

“Something that you miss”

I miss ….

::sungguh abad ke 20::

1. Having my friends on YM to its padang jarak padang tekukur except for a few yang stood by.

::keluarga SKGadong circa 2009::

2. SK Gadong.


3. Sungai Limbang dengan simbolik puitisnya.

::all the pretty maids in a row::

:: Tinggi, tinggi gunung kinabalu..tinggi lagi sayang pada kamu..::

4. Sarawak secara amnya, dan Sabah.

::been around and everywhere::

5. Sahabat-sahabat seperjuangan perantauan di Limbang tatkala cuti panjang sedikit, kami roadtrip seluruh Borneo (hampir).

::dinihari di rantauan::

6.Capturing great pictures that resonates deep. Amatuer, yes, but meaningful.


7. Sahabat terbaikku.

8. Being thinner.

9. Boleh menulis apa yang terlintas di hati tanpa terbatas oleh topik-topik.

10. Having butterflies in my stomach.

::i say yeah, yeah,yeah yeah yeah..::

#26 – Cepumas

” what kind of person attracts you”

:: Beautiful Stranger?"::

Dua tiga kucing berlari,

Mana nak sama si kucing belang.

Dua tiga tak pasti boleh cari,

Susah nak cakap bagaimananya orang.


Pisang emas dibawa belayar,

Masak sebiji di atas peti,

Kalau disenarai nanti berlebar,

Mungkin dari mata jatuh ke hati?


Kalau padi katakan padi,

Tidaklah saya tertampi-tampi,

Tengok kali pertama, rezeki,

Tengok banyak kali, waduh, bahaya nanti.


Kalau ada sumur di ladang,

Bolehlah saya menumpang mandi,

Bukanlah saya jenis suka memanjang,

Ada perkara yang masih peribadi. 🙂


Jawab, jawab!

#25 – Lelaki Terunggul

” Someone who fascinates you and why”

Muhammed's name (محمد) with Salat phrase (صلى ...

Muhammed's name (محمد) with Salat phrase (صلى الله عليه وسلم) written in Thuluth, an Arabic Calligraphy. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Saya tak layak untuk tulis mengenai seseorang yang begitu hebat, ALLAH menyuruh kita menyebut namanya di dalam usaha-usaha untuk memustajabkan doa.

Seorang yang begitu agung, di mana apabila ia bertemu dengan ALLAH di langit pada malam yang bersejarah Isra’ Mikraj, beliau memohon memperingankan solat bagi umatnya, bukan hanya sekali meminta, dua, tiga dan sehingga solat dari 50 waktu kepada 5 waktu.

Seorang yang apabila ada wanita kafir yang dengkikannya dan menaburkan duri di seperjalanan Baginda ke masjid, dan wanita itu sakit lalu di jengahnya juga tanpa ada perasaan dendam dan hasad.

Seorang yang berjaya membina sebuah negara Islam dengan pelbagai agama duduk serumpun sebangsa.

Seorang lelaki yang merupakan Rasul terakhir, pada akhir hayat Baginda pun, di mulutnya sentiasa “Umatku. umatku.”

Nabi Muhammad S.A.W.

 Baginda adalah manusia yang hebat dan teragung.

Saya tak layak berbicara mengenai Baginda dengan ilmu yang cetek ini.


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