Kesah Tuan Direktor

Bakal Gegar Dunia

Bakal Gegar Dunia

One of the my favourite moments this year captured above.

‘Pementasan’ bertajuk Dua Surirumah dan Penyamun di atas telah direka sendiri  sepenuhnya oleh Tuan Direktor kecil yang tengah, F, prop pedang direkabentuk oleh Cik Seni Rekabentuk di sebelah kiri, N. Girl power!

Dalam menyahut cabaran menyediakan suasana yang kondusif untuk mempunyai Kemahiran Berfikir Aras Tinggi ( KBAT ), saya mulakan program perintis  ‘Showtime’ dalam kelas tahun 2 A saya.

*Program ‘Showtime’ di mana 5-10 minit awal atau sebelum habis waktu saya, murid akan membuat persembahan mengikut ‘genre’ yang ditetapkan. Berjadual. Inspired by my high-school teacher, Madam Chua.

Ingin saya rewind sedikit.

Jujurnya saya tahu tahun ini saya jarang menulis mengenai anak murid saya tahun ini. As 2014 is coming to an end, I feel like its a closure of some sorts to tell you the great story I had this year with my talented class.

Bersemangat. Itulah satu perkataan yang dapat saya simpulkan mengenai kumpulan 8 tahun saya ajar tahun ini.

Terasa seperti mengajar kelas Performing Arts for Children pulak. Ini bukan bermaksud saya seorang guru yang hebat dari segi itu. Mereka yang hebat sebenarnya.

Cuma bakat kecerdasan kelas ini secara kolaboratif adalah dari segi kecerdasan seni, dan mungkin sedikit kecerdasan kesukanan.

Selepas melihat bakat dan daya saing juang yang tinggi sebelum dan semasa memasuki  Action Song Competition, saya tahu mereka ini ada bakat semulajadi.

Tajuk : Directions/Places in Town

Tajuk : Directions/Places in Town

Kegagalan untuk meraih Top 3 saya rasakan merupakan salah saya sendiri sebagai tenaga pengajar novis (mentah dan baru), kerana dari komen juri mereka ada ‘rare talent’. Mendapat tempat keempat kerana satu kekurangan teknikal dan kekurangan bajet.

Most of these kids are already intelligent beyond the content standard, although from a rural area. Stating that, the beauty of KSSR (Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah) and the new document standard of Learning English is that English teachers have more creative input to insure that the students achieve.

Diskusi Ilmiah

Diskusi Ilmiah

Alhamdulillah, disebabkan tahap kecerdikan mereka sudah tinggi, ini membenarkan saya untuk (tidak rasminya) menjalankan beberapa program sebagai cuba-jaya untuk pembelajaran cara mengajar. Skaligus kelas ini adalah Makmal Bahasa saya.

I feel teachers should always know in different ways, all our students are special. It’s the way we guide them that will shape their interest and passion in English in the future.

Janganlah masuk kelas dengan niat “Let’s get this over and done with..”. Fikirlah ” how can I make this fun today?”.

Berbalik kepada cerita Tuan Direktor.

One of the few aspects of a collaborative class is that when you give directions, most of them will help each other to achieve it. Great teamwork. Except a few naughty boys/shy girls, usually the most talented inner group will lead and patiently guide the others.

Language Arts: My Town Class Display. 10marks for overall total marks monthly test.

Language Arts: My Town Class Display. 10marks for overall total marks monthly test.

Saya hanya Tukang Bagi Idea dan Fasilitator kepada Kelas ini. Jujur. Lebih kepada Pemegang Saham.

Ketua Kelas, K (tak ada dalam gambar atas sekali sebab pergi berlatih tarian) yang selalu akan tengok dan marah orang lain yang tak dapat buat dengan elok. Yang lain dalam ‘talented inner group’ (in picture) akan mentor yang lain untuk buat yang baik. Mereka akan komen satu sama lain dan mungkin beri idea yang baru kepada saya (sebagai ‘pemegang saham’) untuk ubah atau tambah baik.

Sejuk hati tengok mereka pandai urus diri walaupun baru Darjah 2.

Berbalik kepada kesah Dua Surirumah dan Penyamun.

Ini adalah salah satu sketsa *Pusingan Kedua (Lakonan): “Showtime”. Program perintis saya untuk asah bakat dan public speaking mereka. Saya benarkan mereka berbahasa melayu dalam ertikata ansurmaju/warming-up kepada Bahasa Inggeris tahun hadapan (masih melobi untuk jadi guru mereka 2015).

Sketsa ini adalah 100% hasil arahan tuan Direktor F yang ditengah itu, bersama bantuan pelakon-pelakon tersebut. Granted, its no Oscar, but sketsa itu ada intipasti dan jalan cerita yang boleh dibaiki lagi.

Ya, ada pelakon yang tak dapat dikawal telah menyebabkan tuan direktor menangis, dan ya terlalu banyak unsur keganasan dalam sketsa ini.

Di sinilah tugas saya untuk memberi komen membina (ala realiti TV) dan memberikan poin supaya sketsa mempunyai nilai moral ( tak payah bunuh penyamun dengan pedang, hampa ramai, kepung dia kemudian ikat then call polis). Cue relate unsur keganasan dengan kes buli berleluasa sekarang.

2nd take lepas komen juri: Ada Ketua Polis. Walaupun pedang masih digunakan, tapi berjaya ikat dua penyamun tanpa membunuh. Unsur komedi: Ketua Polis tersalah diikat ke kerusi. Takpala, first time.


What can I say more about them?

I will definitely miss you guys! I’ve had so much fun and I learnt a lot personally and professionally from all of you talented bunch.


For auld lang syne

Hoping to be there again next year in Year 3 for Part 3: Showtime.

To 2Bestari, with love.



*Pusingan Pertama ( Book Club ).



Dongak Ke Atas.



Subhanallah. Alhamdulillah.

Ini pandangan saya tatkala saya letakkan kepala di buai taman rumah.

Secara jujurnya, dongakan saya ke langit dengan harapan dapatkah melihat syurga?

Kemudian saya tertawa sendirian, mana mungkin hamba yang banyak dosa seperti ini mampu melihat sekadar dengan dongakan?

Tapi itu sebenarnya bagi saya metafora langit.

Syurga Jannah takkan dinampakkan dengan mata kasar.

Tapi kalau sudah langit sebegini sudah begitu hebat dan indah, tidakkah kita tertanya bagaimanakah lebih hebatnya syurga Jannah?

Metafora langit adalah metafora harapan.

Metafora kekuasaanNya. 

Metafora betapa kerdil dan mikroskopiknya kita di Bumi ini berbanding ciptaanNya yang Maha Hebat. Walaupun kita manusia, hanya dijadikan dari tanah yang lembik, tetapi kitalah Khalifah di sini. We are the chosen one.

Metafora pengampunanNya. Berapa juta kali kita berdosa setiap hari, tetapi Alhamdulillah, masih menghirup udara segarNya, deria semua Insyallah masih berfungsi untuk nikmat-nikmat ini.

Metafora kehebatanNya. Sedang saya mendongak ke langit yang kelihatan tiada berpenghujung ini, pada masa yang sama, saya dapat melihat sel-sel mikroskopik serta bakteria yang melintas di hadapan mata saya.

Juxtaposed. The biggest creation in the world the eyes can see.The smallest creation the eyes can see.


Note to self: This world is much more bigger than your bubble. Step out and look at the bigger picture.

Sesungguhnya pada kejadian langit dan bumi, dan pada pertukaran malam dan siang, ada tanda-tanda (kekuasaan, kebijaksanaan, dan keluasan rahmat Allah) bagi orang-orang Yang berakal;

(Iaitu) orang-orang Yang menyebut dan mengingati Allah semasa mereka berdiri dan duduk dan semasa mereka berbaring mengiring, dan mereka pula memikirkan tentang kejadian langit dan bumi (sambil berkata): “Wahai Tuhan kami! tidaklah Engkau menjadikan benda-benda ini Dengan sia-sia, Maha suci engkau, maka peliharalah Kami dari azab neraka.

(Surah Al-’Imran: Ayat 190-191)

Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): Perhatikan dan fikirkanlah apa yang ada di langit dan di bumi dari segala kejadian yang menakjubkan, yang membuktikan keesaan Allah dan kekuasaanNya).

(Surah Al-Yunus: Ayat 101)

Spring of Sakura



It’s almost like the spring here in Malaysia. At least, in Kedah.

The explosion of the cherry blossom around my hometown is like a beautiful, soft and gentle celebration.



A blessing, hopefully as a sign that it’s the end of the hot and humid season. And a sign from Allah for us to persevere, because “fainna maal usri yus rho, inna maal usri yus rho”. After every hardship, there will sure be comfort and peace.


Kononisme : Feeling-feeling like  (konon) is the posing mosing

Kononisme : Feeling-feeling like (konon) is the posing mosing

The quarter of 2014 has not been a smooth ride for us, Malaysian, and for most of us. Our prayers everyday are still with the missing flight MH370 , entering its 31st day. Some of my friends and family face great hardship.

My schedule is full most of the time.(This is my first post for 2014! It’s already April!)

I try my very best not to use the word ‘busy’ as it sounds like an excuse, because I realized if you want something, you will make time for it. So this year, I’m trying my very best to avoid ‘busy’ and make time. Insyallah.

Alhamdulillah, after 7 years of living here and there and most of the time living like a nomad, I have finally back in hometown to serve locally. I am now a teacher somewhere in a kinda outback school in Pokok Sena, some 45 minutes from my mom’s house. I love the scenery on the way to school, and I love the school. So what is 45 minutes, huh?



A best friend and I fulfilled our promise to come back to Kedah and “make roots” here. Now the 3 of us, is working to make the best of our dreams. My bestie, the chef extraordinaire fulfills her dreams to open this great cafe, and another one of being a great global businesswoman. About my dream, lets just say I will keep it under wraps for now. I’m very protective. 😛

The timing of the cherry blossom ‘spring’ season is right on. I needed something after an exhausting quarter of the year.

My bestfriend, Nadiah. Thank you for stepping in the moment.

My bestfriend, Nadiah. Thank you for stepping in the moment.

An idea made me smile and messaged my bestie.

” Jom, let’s do a photoshoot under the cherry blossoms? ”


What an experience! Been a while for my G11 but it was worth every moment of this craziness.

I always wonder if I ever will see the cherry blossom Sakura in Japan ever. Alhamdulillah, praise ALLAH for bringing us this season for us to enjoy.

It made me smile.

“I had a dream so big and loud
I jumped so high I touched the clouds…”




Thank You for The Future

School’s out for the year. The Class of 2013 has rung the last bell.

However, my working days are still a week a way. Time to ‘closing books and long last book’ have not ended yet.A lot of loose ends must be tied and packed away.


As i bid adieu to my classes, I felt that i could have done more for them. Sure, it was a great, productive year. I felt I had given all.I had learn from the best mentor, and from zero to a much more capable teacher. I felt like English was really my major.

Every teacher at the end of the year imagine their students walking into the next year class as a perfect human-child example of existence. Okay, so it was only my dream.

So, some of them are still smart-a** es (I mean that in the most loving way ;p). If I wanted robots that followed all my orders, I would had gone into Mecha-tronic Engineering. But shaping little humans is way more fun and i love the challenge.

Today, I also welcomed next year batch of students. Class of 2014. All new 41 faces.

Not much of a difference in terms of “smartness”. If I am still the class teacher next year, I will have my hands full again. I need to pull all the stops and all the tricks to keep them in line.

What fun that will be. Yay.

One story for today (because everyday is a unique story with kids);

I went around asking personal questions about the new class, and to fill time. The question was ” What does your parents do?”. Some of them were sons and daughters of teachers.

A girl, looking quite messy,whether from care or from play, put up her hand. ” Mak saya tukang urut di Singapura …” .(My mom is a masseuse in Singapore).  I did not ask in detail about the job because most of the students are poor. ” Your father?” ” Dia sakit.. (he’s sick)”. Poor her. Poor mom, i remembered thinking.

As i said goodbye ’till next year and hugged each one of them and saying take care, that girl suddenly ran back to me.

She whispered something to me. I said, ” What?”

” Terima kasih kerana mengajar saya tahun depan.. ( Thank you for teaching me next year)..”

I look at her messy face and felt something. I hugged her again and she ran down the stairs.

This is why I am a teacher. For one of these moments.

For many more moments to come.

Happy holidays to all my students. I will miss all of you wrecking up my life, 🙂

Temporary Blackout

Ritma kipas siling makin perlahan.

Mr Popper’s Penguin hilang dari skrin TV.

White noise lessen and lessen to a stop.

Only once a year this happens usually. Kerap lagi kalau di Limbang dulu.

Bingar kesunyian menyelubungi rumah.


I’m one of those people who sometimes thrives in silence. I don’t know why.

Mama, however, feels the need to fill the in blanks.

Minda berlegar mengingatkan blog yang sudah berkian lama sudah berhabuk. Keputusan UPSR. Sepupu sudah mendapat anak! Cuti sekolah. Tak dapat cuti lagi. Tukar? Tak tukar? Kerja kerja kerja.

Kemudian teringatkan permainan kad yang dibeli untuk waktu-waktu terluang. Waktu-waktu terluang yang seringkali sejakduamenjak ini diisi oleh idiotbox dan gajet-gajet yang memerlukan punca kuasa.

My geek side keeps UNO and Game of Life handy.

Playing the Game of Life in the stillness of the afternoon made me reminisce.

Those simple days of youth where we; my siblings and I; had nothing but each other to entertain. We had Monopoly, Scrabble, chess and UNO. We had the silliest fight over the ‘official rules’ of buying Park Lane or was zit an official word, or had UNO been said before the last card was put down.

One of the craziest moment of this 21st century was when my whole group sitting together during the LINUS course,BUT talk to each other via WhatsApp in our group forum. I’m thinking of sending my Avatar out sometimes to replace my physical presence. This is a joke, by the way.

Our physical form are present when we are with our loved ones but we minds and bodies are under influence of a third party.

Kami keluar untuk membeli lilin, kemudian pusing-pusing di sekeling taman melihat suasana senja.

“Rugi tak bawak G11..”

“Hmm…” jawab Mama. Then she continued her chatter.

When we turned the corner into my lane, the traffic light was already on again. The TV was on, and we sat down and looked at the idiotbox like nothing happened. The candles were put aside and so were my thoughts.

Then the lights went off again. The stillness again.

Alhamdulillah, my laptop was turned on as i was writing this. I opened the sliding door a bit for some air, light up the candles. And proceeded to type this.

Low chatter fills the room as i nod again and again to Mama.

“Welcome back, me” . I type to myself.

The months long hiatus was just a temporary blackout.

2014 is coming and I am praying for better things to come, and to write.

Insyallah. Amin.

Intergalactic Planetery : Class Photo 2013


It was that time of the year again.

My birthday was around the corner. My hands were itching to use G11 that’s been collecting dust. I miss it so much lately.

Since the past 2 years, I had been photographing my students for class photos with a twist.  Around July.In a way, it was kind of like a personal way of celebrating another year of life.

All of them had themes. All of them had props. And to add to the joy is that they had to prepare the props themselves.

In 2011, it was Carnivale.

Last year was Fairytale.

This year’s, by far, I thought was the most enjoyable and interesting. Presenting,  in full techni-multi-colour , the best of Class Photo 2013 : Intergalactic Planetary ( Robots ). Credits to Beastie Boys.




Coming soon, behind the scenes of Class Photo 2013 : Intergalactic Planetary.

“It’s The Little Things That Makes You Happy..”

:: Biru Diraja::

:: Biru Diraja::

Sudah sampai!

Cenderahati-cenderahati saya dari Eropah!

Alhamdulillah. Terima kasih kepada yang empunya diri; kiriman ini, seperti dalam blog saya terdahulu, Europe Je’taime.

::Aura Eropah di Bumi Selangor::

::Aura Eropah di Bumi Selangor::

::  Hearts::

:: Sungguh…..::

Pinggan Komemoratif Perkahwinan Will & Kate, magnet peti ais kasut kayu Holland serta pemandangan sungai/gandola Venice.

Saya kekurangan satu item Eiffel Tower yang belum kunjung tiba. Hint * Hint *.

Saya terkenang satu cerita tatkala saya sedang mencari stokin sukan keliling rumah untuk pergi joging. Tiba-tiba saya terjumpa sepasang yang saya selitkan di tepi beg komputer riba saya :

“Alhamdulillah! Nasib baik Lisa berpandangan jauh!” saya kata kepada diri sendiri. Secara ironi jugak.

Mama yang sedang menonton TV tersengih, sambil melihat saya dan berkata dengan tawa;

“It’s the little things that makes you happy, huh?”

Saya jengilkan mata sambil tersengih sebab Mama sungguh menyelami.

It doen’t take much to make me happy.

Contohnya tengok pembelian saya yang baru:

::Sungguh kecik. Tapi sangat banyak perkataaan!"

::Sungguh kecik. Tapi sangat banyak perkataaan!”


::Mari mencari maksud cara oldskool::

Gaya studi SPM konon.

Mari menimba ilmu menggunakan kamus (kerana saya tiada telefon “pintar” untuk Google maksud).

I’m a geek and I’m proud of it.


*Berdoa supaya hujung minggu ini lebih baik dari yang lepas, dan yang seterusnya lebih baik dari minggu ini, serta diberi rezeki dan ketabahan atas apa yang bakal di masa hadapan. Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin.

Europe, Jet’aime


Minggu pertama bertugas sebagai Pengadil Padang (Pegawai Kejohanan) MSSR merupakan pengalamaan yang bermakna. Walaupun sekadar memegang tugas yang kecil, banyak perkara-perkara teknikal yang saya pelajari dari pegawai-pegawai senior.

Saya jemput sahabat terdekat saya untuk menjadi seorang Pengadil kerana tahun ini kami kekurangan pegawai. Kawan saya, seorang yang sangat bersemangat tinggi dan suka mencuba sesuatu yang baru, F, datang dengan jayanya membantu kami walaupun dalam masa yang sama menjadi guru pengiring/ jurulatih pasukan sekolah.

Sedang saya berbual dengannya untuk bertugas untuk minggu hadapan, giliran MSSM;

” Kak, minggu depan saya dah tak ada..”

” Tak ada? (Fikir). Oh! Le’ Paris, madamemoisselle! Oui!”

:: konon saja::

:: konon saja::

Pada bulan Oktober tahun lepas, F telah mengajak saya menyertainya untuk jelajah benua Eropah. Oleh kerana kekangan wang dan juga beberapa faktor lain, saya membuat keputusan untuk tidak menyertainya.

Masa sungguh cepat berlalu.

Rasa sungguh cemburu sebenarnya melihat sahabat-sahabat terbang sekeliling dunia melihat negara orang. F ini hobinya memang suka merantau ke negara orang.

Semasa berbual bersama-sama dengan beberapa kawannya tadi, bersama keenakkan keropok losong Tanjung Karang dan segelas air sirap limau suam, kami berbual mengenai cenderahati, waspada, keseronokan dan juga keterujaan.

Semangat teruja dan juga wistfulness (cemburu-sayu) dilahirkan dalam bentuk perbualan dalam kereta di bawah:

” F, nanti ko sampai Paris, ko ambik gambar snowflake kat aku tau..aku teringin nak tgk bentuk snowflake..“. Sahabatnya yang sedang sarat mengandung berpesan. Ngidam.

“Ok, ok nanti aku pinjam mikroskop di sana ambik gambar kat ko…”

Kami ketawa sekereta.

Kami sebagai sahabat sebenarnya, dalam kecemburuan, mahukan yang terbaik dan kebahagiaan kepada sahabat-sahabat yang lain. Saya doakan yang terbaik untuk F dan juga kawannya yang bakal menjelajah dunia impian di Eropah hujung minggu ini, semoga kami yang lain dapat juga sampai di situ nanti.

” Hah, akak tahu nak pesan apa!!”

” Apa?”

” Any souvenirs from the Will & Kate Wedding…dan juga jangan lupa fridge magnet dari semua tempat ko sampai ek..”

“Oraits..tapi kena upfront duit lah kak, exchange rate tinggi..” Sengih comel F. Nasib baik comel.

” No worries”.

Semoga selamat semuanya. Bila gamaknya hendak mendapat jemputan ke Tanah Suci pula bagi diriku.


2012 dalam kenangan ;)

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

600 people reached the top of Mt. Everest in 2012. This blog got about 3,100 views in 2012. If every person who reached the top of Mt. Everest viewed this blog, it would have taken 5 years to get that many views.

Click here to see the complete report.

#10 – An Offer I Couldn’t Refuse

Daily Prompt : Here’s the title of your post: “An Offer I Couldn’t Refuse.”

Set a timer for ten minutes, and write it. Go!

My handphone rang.

It is a rare occurance. I’m much of a message-type of girl, not the tied-up-by-the-chatting kind of person. As time goes by, most people who kept in touch with me, just called because it’s really important or urgent. What you give is what you get, I guess.

Of course, a landline number. Another mystery before I answer the call. The hustle and bustle of the school’s student outside the room, as if, suddenly became distant as I answered the phone.

It was an office number; a good friend is calling from her office. As she was asking about the usual pleasantries, my head wondered the actual reason of the call.

We were great friends back then, as events and life came between us, we rarely met up. The SMS and call get less frequent and came to a standstill. But when we meet up, we cannot stop talking.

” Wei, I miss youla… well, I have something to ask of you? Since we hadn’t seen each other for a long time..”

” Depends on what you’re asking..” Nervous laughter. I’m always on guard when people asks me that question.

” Well, I have a seminar I have to attend in Malacca..but the thing is there’s nobody to accompany me..I don’t like being alone in hotel rooms..and it’s boring because I had been there many times”


” The lodgings is at A Famosa Resort, inside The Theme Park..the seminar is 3 days and two nights..”

” Very interesting…”. I was drooling.

“ can borrow the company’s car while I attend the seminar to go around Malacca..”


She works for one of the biggest Japanese carmakers in the world.  I can already imagine myself speeding, within the limits of course, my way to the World Heritage Site.

I had been wanting to go to Malacca really badly at that time. The last time I was there, was with my family together when my father was still alive. I checked out the offer at Groupon, but somehow I didn’t bought it.

Now I know why I hesitated. ALLAH gave me a better offer to go there.

” Alhamdulillah, wei, I’ve been wanting to go there, like crazy!”

” Great! We can go sightseeing when I’m free. And plus, we can catch up on old time..thank you by the way for doing this..I owe you one!”

” No, thank you! We are going to have a great time! Woohooooo!!”

By the time the conversation’s done, everyone in the teacher’s room probably heard my woohoo-ing.

So, Alhamdulillah, we went to Malacca together and had a great time. I saw almost everything I wanted to see.


:: Hangin out with Fadz in front of A Famosa::

During my ‘safari’ trip at A Famosa Resort theme park, the truck I was on that was passing through the tiger’s cage suddenly got a flat tyre. In between 3 tigers watching, we had to change trucks by jumping to another truck. Adrenaline rush.

Guess what? The next year, my family and I went again there. Had more fun still.


:: Malacca River Cruise with family. Great time::

I know it’s not Paris, or Switzerland or any other place, but at that moment it was an offer I couldn’t refuse.

I am open to any other travelling offers.

Depends on what you are asking, of course.

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